Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Can we use any picture?

As long as it is a high enough resolution so it can be blown up to the size you want without becoming pixelated.
You are the copywright owner or you have permission from the copoywrite owner

Can we use a picture off my phone?

Picture from your cell phone can’t really be blown up much larger than maybe an __. Because they become pixelated and grainy.

Can these be put outside?

Picture used on the exterior metal with UV protection can be use outside for at least 3-5 years.

Can it be hung in my bathroom or high moisture areas?

Metal images can be hung in a bathroom when hung with the Aluminum mounted hangers as opposed to the slotted wood hangers.

Are the pictures printed on?

No, the image is fused into the finish on the product using a chemical dying process with heat and pressure.

Can the image be made into a mural?

Yes, because we make these products in our own lab, and don’t send them out anywhere, we can make the image to be used in almost any format. Murals, individual pictures, collages, and many different sizes, etc.

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